Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Politics and Media Bulgarian Style - Circus Maximus

Bulgaria has been democratizing itself since the fall of communism in 1989. For almost 20 years of democracy in Bulgaria "many things happened but nothing changed" or "many things changed but nothing happened."

For these 20 years, Bulgaria was governed by the Socialist Party (the former Communist Party), the Union of Democratic Forces, the party of the former Tsar Simeon II, and a coalition among the former communists, the tsar, and the Turkish party. No matter who is in power though, the media have always been kind to the party of power. The reason for this is that for over 10 years after the collapse of communism the main and the only television station was controlled by the party that is in power. However, currently there are 4 national channels and countless cable televisions but still the ones that criticize governments and parties are very few.

The reason for this is that everybody - members of ruling parties, members of opposition parties, reporters, respected journalists - used to be members and agents of the old Communist Party. They are friends, they play the same game. When the files of the Communist Party were opened it became known that famous journalists (Koritarov, Garelov) were agents of the Communist Party. The prime-minister is a former communist and his girlfriend is supposedly one of the best investigative journalists in Bulgaria. Coincidence!?

Now when a politician is about to be interviewed by a respected political journalist, it is clear to everyone that two agents are going to discuss the agency. Isn't that a circus...

Assign. # 14 "US Democracy"

"American democracy is not the Italian democracy" post touches upon the meaning of the word "democracy" and the different meanings it has been given in different places during different times.

Western world has 'accepted' that the "American" form of democracy is the best type of democracy to have. Based on this perception, Bush and other presidents in the past have led a number of wars aiming the "spread of democracy." The ultimate goal of wars such as the war in Korea or the Vietnam War was to defeat the commies and spread its alternative - democracy. The ultimate goal of wars such as the ones in Afghanistan and Iraq is to defeat the Talibans or the evil dictator and "spread democracy." As a result, currently, as everybody knows, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq are the most advanced and hailed democracies in the world.

What? Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq are NOT the most advanced and hailed democracies in the world. So, America did not spread its democracy in these countries! What a shame...or is it really a shame?

The USA is a democratic country with a two-party system. But two-party system is supposed to mean that there are currently just two elected parties, not that there are only two major political parties in the entire political life of a country. Unfortunately, this is the case in America. And to make things even worse, there is not a clear difference between those two parties. To an American political science professor the two parties may appear entirely different, to a regular American citizen the two parties might be somewhat different, to the rest of the world - they are the same.

The bottom line is that the American democracy is a two-party system which in actuality is a democracy with one party system. Is that a democracy?

"They've already built communism." ~ Leonid Brezhnev, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, after his visit in the USA.

Assign. # 2 Fox News vs. CNN

The news aired on April 27, 2009 on Fox Channel and CNN was literally the same. Fox Channel aired the conference of the Homeland Security Secretary live from Washington, D.C. regarding the spread of Swine Flu around the country and what measures the American citizens should take. Fox Channel also covered the cases of Swine Flu in California and neighboring Mexico. The other major pieces of news of Fox Channel were connected to the Swine Flu outbreak too. For instance, the oil price dropped because of the Swine Flu outbreak.

CNN's main information for the day was the Swine Flu as well. The channel showed Homeland Security Secretary's press conference live from Washington, D.C. CNN commented on the flu outbreak in Mexico. Unlike, Fox, however, CNN referred to other news besides the Swine Flu outbreak. For instance, CNN informed about a tornado in Oklahoma and pointed out that Wednesday will be the 100th day of President Obama in office.

To me there is no big difference between CNN and Fox. Actually, on that particular day, there was literally no difference on the way they covered the Swine Flu at all. Even though CNN could be hardly referred to as an objective medium, especially after its coverage on the gas crisis in Bulgaria, it produced more diverse news on that particular day, while Fox was constantly informing only about the flu outbreak. In general, I, personally, do not see any big differences among the news of Fox, CNN, ABC, or NBC. They are all practicing "pack journalism" and their braking news reportages follow the same stories all the time.

Assign. # 7 "The Girls Next Door"

I have never watched "The Girls Next Door" before and I will never watch it again. It is a waste of time. In the show I watched, one of the girls in the Hugh Hefner's mansion was very proud of her new boobs. The three girls went to New Orleans for charity because of hurricane Katherina.

All the girls are blond, posh, beautiful,...annoying, dumb, and fake. It is the worst reality tv show I have ever seen. It is extremely boring, stupid, and annoying. I can't imagine that someone would watch such a thing. Aside from this, the show may have a very negative effect and influence over young teenage girls. The show teaches them that if they are young, good looking blonds they could find an older man who could take care of them which is disgusting. This is immoral and irresponsible because the life lesson of the show for young girls is - be a whore.

The show portraits that it is fine three young girls to be in the company of an eighty year-old man and call him "honey." And the producers probably say "that's OK."
It could be OK for American girls, but if I have a girl one day, she will never watch such shows.

Assign. # 8 Hannity

Hannity is one hour political show hosted by Sean Hannity. The main theme discussed in the show on April 27, 2009 was the Swine Flu outbreak. There are 20 dead cases in Mexico and 45 people are sick in the USA. Another discussed topic was if Nancy Pelosi knew about the waterboarding or not. The show also provided analysis of the media's behavior towards President Obama. It turns out that media have been extremely positive towards him compared to Bush and other presidents.

In the "Great American Panel" part of the show, Hannity and his guests discussed the Swine Flu outbreak and the waterboarding issue once again. Hannity showed a video of a very low flying plane over skyscrapers in New York City which bothered many of the people who witnessed it. At the end of the show, in "One-On-One Interview" guest was Kim Kardashian who talked about what is like to be a celebrity. I have never heard of Ms. Kardashian... therefore what kind of celebrity is she?

Overall, the show is not bad, but at the same time it is not something that is worth to watch every day. Guests like Kardashian are one big minus to Hannity Show, because it should be either a political show or an entertainment show, not both.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Assign. # 9 Rush Limbaugh

Rush Limbaugh is a conservative American who is a host of a radio talk show. During one of his programs he expressed his negative opinion towards the immigrants in the United States of America.

According to Rush Limbaugh immigrants should speak English. They have to be professionals if they want to work in the USA, and no unskilled labor should be tolerated. There should be no bilingual school programs. No government business should be done in a mother tongue different than English. Foreigners do not and should not have the right to vote and occupy political offices. People should come to the USA if they are going to invest in the country. Immigrants cannot get welfare and buy land.

Rush Limbaugh also states that foreigners should not be allowed to protest, demonstrate, or wave their national flags. Immigrants should not speak against the government and the president. Foreigners are also not supposed to have political organizations. Everyone who is illegal must be sent to jail.

All of these rules and regulations might appear a bit harsh, but according to Limbaugh these should be the laws that apply towards foreigners in the USA since there are so many illegal immigrants in the country. I agree with most of them but they need to apply only towards the illegal immigrants, not to foreigners who are legally in the country or the ones who have become American citizens.

Assign. # 1 CBS 6:30pm News

The 6:30pm news show on CBS hosted by Katie Couric reveals mainly national and international news. However, the news show aired on April 21, 2009 contained more domestic news and less news related to international issues.

The top story was the eventual investigation of the previous administration on the issue if prisoners were tortured. Another leading news was the suspicion that bailout money might have been stolen because of public corruption. It was also reported that there is a security breach regarding the way F-35 planes are constructed. The officials suspect that Chinese might be responsible, because they want to build similar planes. A murderer who stalked women through Craigslist was arrested.

The top news towards the end of the news show was the fact that a Somalian pirate was arrested and he is going to be sued in New York. This is the first time that someone is going to be sued for being a pirate in the United States for the last hundred years. In another story, the case of a girl suing her high school for a strip drug search reached the Supreme Court.

I think that the news stories were ordered fine by importance, but on the other hand they appear very neutral which means that they could have been ordered in a reverse way and still seem that they are presented correctly. The one thing which is very annoying about American news shows is that they are constantly interrupted by commercials.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Assing. # 15 "Good Night and Good Luck"

"Good Night and Good Luck" is a movie directed by George Clooney. The movie deals with the CBS reporter Edward R. Murrow and his producer Fred W. Friendly who are trying to do a serious investigative journalism during the era of the Cold War. During that period Senator Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin takes advantage of the paranoia that America may be overtaken by communists. McCarthy supported by the FBI of J. Edgar Hoover accuses many people for being communists. This turns into a witch hunt.

Edward R. Murrow and Fred W. Friendly's efforts against Senator McCarthy helped a FBI investigation to be started against McCarthy and his communist witch hunt. Even though that Morrow and Friendly's program demonstrates the power of the serious journalism, the program is moved to 04:00pm on Sundays because of people's demands to watch entertainment on television.

"Good Night and Good Luck" shows that journalism, if practiced as it is supposed to be practiced, could be truly the "fourth branch of government." Even though that Americans and the CBS owner experienced the power of the media, they betrayed this form of journalism for the commercial profits of the capitalist society. It is truly a shame that the American society gave up on the real journalism, because it proved that it could serve as a real social and political helper in a democratic society. Unfortunately, this form of journalism was "eaten" by commercial capitalism.

New York Times and Bulgarian Mob

One of the top headlines of "The New York Times" newspaper on October 16, 2008 was "Mob Muscles Its Way Into Politics in Bulgaria." If this is a top headline for "The New York Times" in 2008, then this newspaper definitely has to be shut down, because this is not a piece of news. It could have been... 20 years ago, but today it is obvious for anybody who follows even a little bit what is going on in Eastern Europe that Bulgaria is ruled by the mafia.

Even though that the article contains embarrassing information about Bulgaria, it is true information. The article states that different mob groups fight for real estate deals and millions in European aid. The European Union froze $670 million that were supposed to be used for Bulgaria's economical and infrastructural progress. Presidents of soccer clubs were publicly shot. Former wrestlers transformed into gangsters. Mobsters hang out in night clubs. Wealthy businessmen buy local elections. The member of the Parliament Atanas Atanasov said: "Other countries have the mafia. In Bulgaria, the mafia has the country."

The article states that Nikolov-Stoykov group is involved in criminal actions. Liudnil Stoykov, part of this group, financed the campaign of President Georgi Parvanov. In the meantime Mario Nikolov, who is charged with fraud, gave $137,000 to Prime Minister Sergei Stanishev and his Socialist Party (the former Communist Party). All of this information was provided by Sofia's mayor Boyko Borisov.

An European or American reader would think that things in Bulgaria are pretty bad and they truly are, but a Bulgarian reader would see something more in this article. Bulgaria is presented in the worst possible political and social way. The President and the Prime Minister are internationally embarrassed by Sofia's mayor Boyko Borisov. For a Bulgarian, it is obvious that this is a pre-election campaign for the upcoming parliamentary elections.

Boyko Borisov who gives all this information is the unofficial leader of the political party GERB ("The New York Times" does not mention that) which is going to win 2009 parliamentary elections and he is going to be the future Prime Minister of Bulgaria. The article aims to embarrass the currently ruling coalition because it does not say anything at all about Mr. Borisov. The same Boyko Borisov was a bodyguard of the former Bulgarian communist leader Todor Zhivkov and a founder of a private security company, which was illegal at the time. Later he became a secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the cabinet of Simeon Saksgoburgotski. When Saksgoburgotski's party was not reelected, Borisov abandoned it.

Another reason to consider the article as a part of Borisov’s campaign is the fact that Bulgaria has never received so much attention by "The New York Times." The article is a headline on the front page and got an entire page in the political section of the newspaper. As mentioned before the information in it is not new and it hardly could be treated as a piece of news.

Guardian: "Stalin" is Bulgaria's highest peak.

After the American television CNN aired a manipulated reportage about the gas crisis in Bulgaria in the beginning of the year, now the British newspaper "Guardian" publishes false facts about Bulgaria on April 18, 2009. "Guardian" published profiles of various countries including Bulgaria.

According to "Guardian," Bulgaria's highest peak is called "Stalin." The highest peak in Bulgaria and on the Balkan Peninsula was called "Stalin" between 1949 and 1962. After Stalin's cult of personality was taken down by Khrushchev, Stalin Peak and many other things named after him were given back their original names. It has been more than 45 years since Stalin Peak was renamed to its original name Musala, which means "Close to God" in Turkish, but the British journalists did not updated their information. For me, as a Bulgarian, this is offensive and shows disrespect towards my country. Besides, journalists are paid for their publications, which means that they could at least check their facts before publishing them. Another incorrect information published in "Guardian" is that the three languages spoken in Bulgaria are Bulgarian, Turkish, and Macedonian. Internationally, no authority has ever recognized the existence of a Macedonian language. According to a treaty signed in Paris, France the so-called Macedonian language is a dialect of the Bulgarian language.

"Guardian" newspaper did not change its information on Bulgaria until after the Bulgarian online news agency Vesti pointed out the mistakes. Now the edited version of the article states that the highest peak on the Balkan Peninsula is called Musala and the three languages spoken in Bulgaria are Bulgarian, Turkish, and Roma.

It is obvious that western journalists pay less attention to the accuracy of their information regarding small countries, but the British journalists at least correct themselves when they realize they are wrong, unlike the American journalists of CNN.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Assign. # 4 Network News vs. The Daily Show

The CBS network news show at 6:30 pm on March 31, 2009 was aired from London, Great Britain, hosted by Katie Couric. Its highlights were the first major visit of President Barack Obama in Europe and the upcoming G20 summit in London. The network news show revealed Obama's agenda and his popularity around different European countries. The second leading piece of news was Afghanistan, its development, and the fact that Afghanistan produces 90 percent of the world's supply of opium. The CBS news provided information about the new Israeli prime-minster Benjamin Natanyaho, the GM business problems, the 19 percent drop of the housing costs, the salmonella scare, and the fact that in London President Barack Obama will meet for the first time the British Queen Elizabeth II.

In contrast, The Daily Show, hosted by Jon Stewart, aired on the same date provided very different type of information. The major topic of the show was the new euphemisms used by the Obama administration. For instance, the expression "war on terrorism" is replaced by "oversea contingency operation" and "terrorism" is replaced by "non-casual disaster." Other pieces of "news" in the show were the fact that traffic and metal could actually kill people. The Daily Show played a video in which a man fights with a shark. Stewart's guest was the comedy actor Seth Rogen who commented on his new movie "Observe and Report."

People may get information from both TV programs. However, the CBS network news show provides much more relevant and important information in the sphere of politics, business, sports, and life. In the meantime, The Daily Show's news are informative and entertaining, but they could hardly serve as a serious and reliable source of information if one wants to know what are the current major news topics in the United States and around the world.

Assign. # 3 Local News

The local news of CBS aired on March 31, 2009 had many different topics. The leading news were the salmonella scare, the eventual MTA bailout, and a man who tried to kidnap girls with his car by offering them candies and money. The entire news show had only two political news. The first one was about the first European trip of President Obama. According to the CBS local news this was the sixth major important news of the day. The second reported political news was the fact that Benjamin Natanyahu became a prime-minister of Israel. This piece of news was pushed back towards the end of the news show.

The CBS local news show did not provide enough political news. I think that only two political news for a news show that is long over an hour is not enough. Moreover, the two political news were major ones and they were not even presented in the beginning of the show as leading news. The news of the G20 summit and Obama's European trip were not even in the top five news of the day. The other political news concerning the new prime-minister of Israel was pushed behind news such as "YMCA profits go up," "Bedbugs infections increase," "New pill - 5 in 1," the weather forecast, and many others.

The purpose of local news shows is to concentrate precisely on the local news. However, I think that political news, especially the ones having international implications, such as Obama's European trip, have to be the leading ones. It seems to me that the local news show was unnecessarily long and full of commercial breaks. The pieces of news were summarized to a couple of sentences or very short reportages. This made the CBS local news show uninteresting and even annoying at times.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Assign. # 12 Feminism and Abortion

The article "A Hurrah for Dr. George Tiller" posted on the feminist blog Feministing deals with the case of Dr. George Tiller who is one of the few late-term abortion providers in the United States of America. Prosecutors charged Tiller of having a financial relationship with the doctor that he frequently received authorization from. However, Dr.Tiller was acquitted on all 19 counts. The article is cheerful of the fact that the doctor was not found guilty and he can eventually practice late-term abortion manipulations again.

It is normal that such an article appears in a feminist blog, since probably the majority of the feminists, if not all of them, are definitely pro-choice of whether a woman should keep the baby or have an abortion. It has been a struggle for the American women to gain that right and it is natural for them to support all doctors who perform abortion procedures. However, a problem concerning the abortion issue is if the father is involved in some way. Some may say that no matter what, abortion should be treated as a murder. I think this should be left to the conscience of the mother.

I believe that a woman should have the right to either keep the baby or to get an abortion. Clergy and feminists have been discussing when exactly a women gets pregnant and when she should be considered pregnant with a real human being inside her. I think that such a discussion is pointless and it does not really matter if the woman has already taken a decision what to do with her body. The only case in which I do not approve the right of the women to do whatever they want with their bodies is if the life of the mother is endangered.

Assign. # 11 Global Warming Is Exaggerated?

According to the article Global Warming Is Exaggerated? posted on the blog The Environmental Blog a survey shows that 41 percent of the people think that actually the global warming is exaggerated. In contrast, the article discusses the fact that the ocean level truly rises which is illustrated by a picture of storm surge barriers in Rotterdam, Holland. Supposedly, Holland is one of the countries that would be most affected by the rise of the ocean level.

However, if I were one of the surveyed people I would have also expressed a skepticism in regards of the global warming. Some scientists say that people are causing the global warming and others say that it is a result of natural processes through which Mother Earth undergoes all the time. I would side with the latter group of scientists. Contemporary science in terms of meteorology, space, and global warming is not very competent.

Scientists say that there could be no life form if there are no water and oxygen on the other planets. Well, how do they know that the alien life forms need water and oxygen in order to survive? Maybe they do or maybe they do not need them, but the scientists have no ways of knowing that. By analogy, the case with the global warming is the same. Scientists have never experienced global warming before and they could not know what exactly is causing it and what impact it would have.

The science has discovered that Earth had experienced periods of warmings and coolings in the past too. I tend to believe that the global warming is exaggerated because the Earth has already had global warmings and coolings before and the life forms on it survived obviously.

Assign. # 5 New York Times Op-Ed

The opinion section of the online version of the New York Times newspaper contains very diverse information and commentaries on all kinds of different topics. That section relates to the comments of editors, columnists, contributors, and letters of the New York Times newspaper’s readers.

The opinion section of the online version of the New York Times is something like a blog section in the newspaper. It contains the opinions of the newspaper's editors and the opinions of the readers on various topics. For instance, editors comment on the business problems of General Motors or the governments problems of Zimbabwe and its relations to the United States of America and Europe. The columnists and contributors also provide with information and comments on different issues. The Op-Ed of New York Times newspaper has also a section of the public editor who represents the readers of the newspaper and expresses his opinion on various issues. The section letters contain letters of New York Times newspaper's readers on different topics.

Overall, the Op-Ed section of the online version of the New York Times looks a lot like a blog and it reveals the opinions of the newspaper's journalists and its readers. The Op-Ed section provides a forum for the newspaper's readers to express their opinions and critiques on a number of issues. The Op-Ed section, however, is not that diverse and interesting as some blog website such as the Huffington Post.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Assign # 10 Huffington Post

The Huffington Post is a liberal American blog which provides variety of different information. Only the front page of the blog offers so much diverse information that I get the sense that it would take me a whole day to read it. However, I suppose that this is the reason why Huffington Post is one of the most popular political blogs in the United States of America.

The content of the blog is political and it deals with current news in which most of the Americans are interested in. For instance, the top headline of March 30, 2009 is "Detroit Doomsday" and it deals with the current financial crisis. The other top posts also deal with the current financial crises in one aspect or another. Huffington Post provides also other political and business news. It also relates to videos from other medias such as CNN. Another positive thing of Huffington Post is that it is not concentrated only with domestic news but it also has an international approach. The blog contains not only serious political and business news but it also has fun and curious political stories such as the news that Obamas are going to pay for the renovation of the White House.

Huffington Post has a section called "If you have something to say... Say it on the Huffington Post." Bloggers could create an account and comment on various issues and news which is a great opportunity to express their opinions. The blog follows the commercial and entertainment life-style of America too, with posts about Miss Universe's visit to Guantanamo and Madonna's visit to Malawi. Huffington Post also offers a number of links to other sites such as Al Jazeera and New York Observer.

I think that Huffington Post is a great diverse and informative blog which provides plenty of interesting political information and fun entertainment posts. It is updated constantly and it is done very professional.

Assign. #13 CNN - Bunch of Liars!

The winter of 2008/2009 was marked by a conflict between Russia and Ukraine on the issue of gas prices. Ukraine wanted lower prices of the natural gas delivered by Russia. Russia insisted that Ukraine should pay higher prices for the gas. Until the conflict was resolved Russia had taken a drastic measure - it simply cut the gas supply for Ukraine. But the gas supply for Southeastern Europe is delivered through the same pipe which provides gas for Ukraine. All of a sudden the gas supply for Eastern Europe was entirely cut. What a great peace of news for the news people! But they also needed some drama showing freezing people caught in the middle of the gas conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

CNN sought such a drama in Bulgaria but it could not find it. However, this did not stop the British correspondent of CNN Michael Moore to lie to the world that there are freezing people in Bulgaria because of the lack of gas supply. Moore's report shows "average Bulgarians" in the town of Pleven who freeze because of the gas crisis. Moore also shows that the gas supply to the city is "stopped." The truth is shown by a Bulgarian reporter who works for the Rupert Murdoch's TV called bTV. It turns out that the gas supply has never stopped since 1977 in Pleven, Bulgaria. It turns out that the building of the people, who freeze, has no central heating too. Moore and CNN are liars! But what is the big deal? The image of Bulgaria is damaged. Who cares as long as there is some human drama accompanying the gas crisis? Even though a Bulgarian journalist caught CNN in a lie there are no consequences so far. Michael Moore is not fired, CNN did not apologize to Bulgaria and what is even worse it did not apologize to its viewers for lying to them.

As a Bulgarian, what really disappoints me is the Bulgarian prime-minister Stanishev who was interviewed by Michael Moore. After the interview, Stanishev or his team never watched the report, otherwise they would have objected it. It could be even worse, they watched it but said nothing and allowed CNN to damage Bulgaria's image. Because this report truly damages Bulgaria's image. First of all it appears that Bulgaria is deeply affected by the gas crisis with no back up plan. Second, the people presented as "regular Bulgarian" citizens are not regular and they are definitely not Bulgarians. The shown people are gypsies from a ghetto in Pleven who do not work and live in a complete misery. However, the Bulgarian journalist does not have the guts to say it. He also does not dare to blame directly CNN for its lies, because that is what this television did. It lied and it did it professionally and intentionally. On the top of it, CNN did not apologize to its viewers.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

"Being Bulgarian in Macedonia"

Since 1991 the former Yugoslavia has undergone many changes. It broke to seven different states - Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, and Kosovo. Republic of Macedonia as a part of Yugoslavia and as an independent country was based on the illusion that the people of Macedonia are Macedonians who speak Macedonian language and are ancestors of the ancient Macedonians. It is one more Yugoslav lie that soon will collapse just like Yugoslavia itself.

The Macedonian nation was artificially created in 1945 by the communist government of Yugoslavia which sought to separate forever Macedonia from Bulgaria, because Serbs were aware that Macedonia and its people were Bulgarians and if they did not acquire some other ethnicity, they might rejoin Bulgaria at some point in the future. The Serbian propaganda that Bulgarians in Macedonia were not Bulgarians but Macedonians was quite successful during the communism, but since its collapse, it has become very hard for the Macedonian government to keep the illusion and hide the truth about the true ethnicity of Macedonia's citizens. More and more people in Macedonia return to their real Bulgarian identity.

However, as the documentary film Being Bulgarian in Macedonia shows, it is quite difficult to live as a Bulgarian in pro-Yugoslav Macedonia, which government is unofficially backed up by Belgrade. The film was shot by the journalist Ivan Kulekov in May, 2008; and it was aired the same month on a private Bulgarian national television owned by Rupert Murdoch. The fact that there are Macedonian citizens who define themselves as Bulgarians is not enough for the Macedonian government to recognize a Bulgarian minority in Macedonia.

On the contrary, the Macedonian government wants Bulgaria to recognize a Macedonian minority in Pirin Macedonia (Southwestern Bulgaria). I have never heard of a Macedonian minority in Bulgaria and I have never met a person, born in Bulgaria, who defines himself or herself as such. Out of 35 Bulgarian students at Ramapo College, 2 are from the region of Pirin Macedonia in Bulgaria and none of them identifies as Macedonian. They have also never heard of Macedonians living in Southwestern Bulgaria. Apparently the pro-Yugoslav lies of Macedonia are endless, but fortunately less and less people believe them.

Friday, February 27, 2009

BG vs. FYROM - The Truth about Macedonia

The conflict between Greece and Macedonia is known worldwide. The conflict comes from the fact that Greece states that Republic of Macedonia stole the name Macedonia which belongs historically to Greece. Therefore, internationally Macedonia is recognized as FYROM (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia). Greece is also upset because Macedonian citizens claim to be descendants of Alexander the Great and the ancient Macedonians. These are the two issues that create the conflict between Greece and FYROM. Even though, they are much unpopular, the issues that create conflicts between FYROM and Bulgaria are countless.

The official FYROM history states that the inventors of the Glagolithic Alphabet St. Constantine Cyril the Philosopher and St. Methodius, and the inventor of the Cyrillic Alphabet St. Clement of Ohrid were Macedonians. According to FYROM, the medieval Tsar Samuil, the freedom fighters Georgi Delchev, Damyan Gruev, Yane Sandanski, and many others were Macedonians. But all Byzantine, Armenian, German, English, French, Russian, Greek, Ottoman, and Bulgarian sources state that these persons were Bulgarians.

Prior to 1945, no one in Europe talked or knew about Macedonians, Macedonian nation, or Macedonian language. In 1878, after the Russo-Ottoman War of 1877-1878, Bulgaria was liberated in its ethnical boundaries including the territory of today's FYROM. This made Bulgaria the largest and strongest nation on the Balkan Peninsula, something that the Great Powers could not allow and as a result, FYROM's territory was included in the boundaries of the Ottoman Empire. After the Balkan Wars of 1912-13, FYROM's territory was given to the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes which later became Kingdom of Yugoslavia.

Yugoslavia ruled today's FYROM from 1913 until 1941 when FYROM was occupied by the Germans and returned to Bulgaria. In the years between 1913 and 1941 the Yugoslavian government was trying to impose on the Bulgarians in the FYROM's territory that they were actually Serbs, not Bulgarians. This tactic was very unsuccessful; the locals knew they were not Serbs. At the end of World War II, FYROM's territory was once again included in the boundaries of Yugoslavia.

Serbs knew it is impossible to make the people of FYROM Serbs, therefore they remembered the words of the Serbian scholar Stojan Novakovic who had said that the only way to separate FYROM's territory from Bulgaria was to create a new nation. Novakovic had seen such nation in the Macedonism. As a result, the Macedonian nation was invented by stealing Greek and Bulgarian history and historical persons such as Alexander the Great and Tsar Samuil. The local dialect was introduced as a separate language from the Bulgarian and a new nation was born - the Macedonian one. Generations passed, people learned the fake Macedonian history and as adults they cannot accept the truth about who they really are.

In the globosphere there are many conflicts between Bulgarians and Macedonians. A strong argument for the "Macedonians" is the fact that the majority of the people who migrated to Australia from FYROM think of themselves as Macedonians, not as Bulgarians. The anthropologist Loring Danforth, author of the book The Macedonian Conflict, made a study case of the migrants from Macedonia to Australia. He states that those people define themselves as Macedonians. But he also says that the majority of the people who migrated to Australia prior to 1945 define themselves as Bulgarians. Guess why!

Yes, there is a Macedonian nation, but it is an artificial one. Today's "Macedonians" are still Bulgarians, because if a cat gives a birth in a stable the little ones are still kittens, not horses, aren't they?

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Assign. # 6 The Lack of Free Media in Russia

The Russian court acquitted the suspects of Ana Politkovskaya's murder. However the presiding judge Yevgeni Zubov ordered the case to be reopened. He said that he would give investigators material evidences. It is interesting how a day after the suspects were released, all of a sudden the presiding judge has material evidences. This is an indicator, one of many, that something in the Russian judicial system is rotten. What excuses Russia, however, is the fact that all post communist countries in Eastern Europe experience difficulties in the same sphere. What is much more troublesome in Russia is the lack of freedom of speech and the lack of free press and media.

In the 1990s, during the Yeltsin period, journalists and regular people could exercise and enjoy the right to do and say whatever they please. Since 2000, when Putin became a president, that is no longer the case. The Yeltsin period might have been chaotic and unstable but at least the journalists could practice their jobs freely without the fear that they may be arrested or killed. As the New York Times newspaper mentions, since the year 2000, 16 journalists in the Russian Federation have been killed. It does not take a genius to guess that all of them touched upon some political matter or crossed the interests of Mother Russia, which is equal to crossing the interests of Putin.

Ana Politkovskaya was trying to cover the Chechen War's impact on the civilians. She found some disturbing facts about the way the Russian soldiers treated the local population. As a result, she was forced to leave Chechnya. However, she did not stop dealing with the issue and she was finally killed in 2006. Some might say that she was dangerous because she could discover facts that could possibly endanger the national security of the Russian Federation.

But what about the other 15 murdered journalists in Russia? What about the case of Grigory Nekhorsov and Moskovsky Korrespondent newspaper? The newspaper published an article stating that Putin would divorce his wife and marry the much younger rhythmic gymnastic Alina Kabaeva. Putin announced that this was not true and as a result the newspaper's editor Nekhorsov was fired and the newspaper was shut down on April 19, 2008. So one could see that Putin used and still uses his powers to control the media, not only in regards of political issues, but also when it comes to his personal life. If we have to judge Russia's level of democracy by its free press, it is down to zero.