Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Assign. # 11 Global Warming Is Exaggerated?

According to the article Global Warming Is Exaggerated? posted on the blog The Environmental Blog a survey shows that 41 percent of the people think that actually the global warming is exaggerated. In contrast, the article discusses the fact that the ocean level truly rises which is illustrated by a picture of storm surge barriers in Rotterdam, Holland. Supposedly, Holland is one of the countries that would be most affected by the rise of the ocean level.

However, if I were one of the surveyed people I would have also expressed a skepticism in regards of the global warming. Some scientists say that people are causing the global warming and others say that it is a result of natural processes through which Mother Earth undergoes all the time. I would side with the latter group of scientists. Contemporary science in terms of meteorology, space, and global warming is not very competent.

Scientists say that there could be no life form if there are no water and oxygen on the other planets. Well, how do they know that the alien life forms need water and oxygen in order to survive? Maybe they do or maybe they do not need them, but the scientists have no ways of knowing that. By analogy, the case with the global warming is the same. Scientists have never experienced global warming before and they could not know what exactly is causing it and what impact it would have.

The science has discovered that Earth had experienced periods of warmings and coolings in the past too. I tend to believe that the global warming is exaggerated because the Earth has already had global warmings and coolings before and the life forms on it survived obviously.

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