Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Assign. # 12 Feminism and Abortion

The article "A Hurrah for Dr. George Tiller" posted on the feminist blog Feministing deals with the case of Dr. George Tiller who is one of the few late-term abortion providers in the United States of America. Prosecutors charged Tiller of having a financial relationship with the doctor that he frequently received authorization from. However, Dr.Tiller was acquitted on all 19 counts. The article is cheerful of the fact that the doctor was not found guilty and he can eventually practice late-term abortion manipulations again.

It is normal that such an article appears in a feminist blog, since probably the majority of the feminists, if not all of them, are definitely pro-choice of whether a woman should keep the baby or have an abortion. It has been a struggle for the American women to gain that right and it is natural for them to support all doctors who perform abortion procedures. However, a problem concerning the abortion issue is if the father is involved in some way. Some may say that no matter what, abortion should be treated as a murder. I think this should be left to the conscience of the mother.

I believe that a woman should have the right to either keep the baby or to get an abortion. Clergy and feminists have been discussing when exactly a women gets pregnant and when she should be considered pregnant with a real human being inside her. I think that such a discussion is pointless and it does not really matter if the woman has already taken a decision what to do with her body. The only case in which I do not approve the right of the women to do whatever they want with their bodies is if the life of the mother is endangered.

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